"On 8 Jan 2008, DRDO announced that it will be closing the missile programe formally, since most of the missiles in the programme are developed and inducted into Indian Armed Forces. According to statement by Dr. S Pralhada - Head controller of DRDO, new missile and weapons systems will be developed within a five-year time frame at low costs, with foreign partners and private industries."
Indian Missile Program is CLOSED and thats official now. But the above official release is only one of the sample on the series of lies that DRDO has been dishing out and fooling public. - What is Mr Pralhada talking about when he says that most of the missiles were developed and inducted? What happened to Prithvi - Ver II & III?? What happened to Agni?? If he says that the the Indian Missile Prog was successful and all that were designed were developed and inducted... why the hell is he now going for foreign and private partnership?? If it had been successful - are you not supposed to sell your successful missiles to other nations and earn revenue?? Is he saying that the programme was successful, it had accomplished what was intended for and hence is being closed down?? Could there be anything farther away from truth other than this ??
Akash, Nag, Prithvi, Agni .... - we kept reading the "success" stories in news papers and magazines. Truth is, nothing tangible was achieved and not one of those missiles were actually declared as 'success' by the user community (If it had been successful, this programme would not have been scrapped).
In my view, this DRDO, under MoD is a white elephant !! Compare that to the success story of ISRO and you will realise that DRDO is nothing but a BIG flop story. What has DRDO produced till date? Hundreds of crores of rupees is being allocated to DRDO and there is NOTHING worth the name to its credit till date. All it has produced so far is bluffs, botch ups and cover up stories. Can anyone name one single big achievement that this organisation can be credited with - other than playing dirty politics and cheap media tricks by planting "success" stories in the media??
I am sure, had only our ex-President and Father of Indian Missiles known about DRDO before, he would have fought tooth and nail for a separate agency like ISRO for the Missile development program. Unfortunately, it was not to be so and hence this sorry state of current affairs.
Ideally, not just the Missile program, Govt should CLOSE down the DRDO !! This Missile program is just ONE of the skeleton that has fallen out of the DRDO's cupboard.
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