The Sixth pay commission has submitted its recommendations on the revised pay scales for Central Govt employees to the Govt. It is expected that the recommendations are going to be implemented without any major changes.
Last time, after the pay commission recommendations were implemented, there was a huge turmoil in Indian Air Force. The disparity in pay was the bone of contention. Not the disparity in pay between Men and Officers - but amongst Officers themselves and that is what led to the agitation. [ Men, without the support of Officers, in Services, can never do a minor protest, leave alone a huge agitation ].
Whats going to happen this time??? I am not an expert nor have I gone through the whole set of recommendations - but, from what I have seen, let me just quote one recommendation that is about to be implemented. For those serving in difficult areas - there is an allowance. Men would get around Rs.1000 and Officers would get around Rs.6000/- !! So - is the terrain more difficult for the Officers than for Men?? Are the climatic conditions more harmful for Officers than for Men?? When it comes to a posting in difficult terrain, Officers get the best of everything - and still get paid with higher allowances !!
Officers are employed based on higher education qualification, but what has that got to do with the allowances such as that meant for difficult terrain ??? Everytime, a new pay commission submits its recommendations, the Officers get the flesh while the Men are left to be content with bone pieces (because, its the officers who forward the recommendations to the panel !!)
I am reminded of a Service Slogan ..."The safety, honour and welfare of your country comes first, always and every time. The honour, welfare and comfort of the men you command, come next. Your own ease, comfort and safety comes last, always and every time."
This, like so many other slogans, remains just as a slogan and nothing else. Practically, it is "Self first, Self Next and Self last !!!"
Jai Hind !!!
The senior officers are retiring because the hike in 6th pay commission is not enough. Read this news item:
Please dont be deceived by all such planned false propaganda.
You can prove anything with statistics - you only have to be smart enough to dish out the information that has the right effect, concealing all other sundry information that would reveal the whole picture. Army, all the three services for that matter, have wonderful PROs specifically posted at all Headquarters for situations like this, where they dish out all such stats to create the desired effect. They are skilled in projecting such false images where it leaves one and all thinking that if the pay structure are not revised immediately, all hell is going to break loose !!
What we are witnessing is nothing but arm twisting tactics. All such planned propaganda aims at deriving the most for officers and would throw 'bone' pieces to soldiers (person below officers rank), who are the actual sufferes. Defence officers, espeically the senior officers, enjoy too many privileges that equivalent cadres in other departments cannot even dream of. I dont think that they are so naive to put papers, based on pay scale recommended by the present Pay commission - because, they themselves know that they always get more than what is actually shown on paper.
We would have a better case, if we have month-wise listing of number of officers who have put in papers in the past, say, two or three years and also the numbers who put in papers and went out after the previous pay commission recommendations were implemented, especially all those who thought that their pay structure was bad !!
While this being so, in future, in all such fictious propoganda, please watch out on what they seek for their soldiers (Officers are not soldiers!) !!
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