The dust has settled down a bit as the Tamil Nadu Govt has decided to put the Hogenekal drinking water project on hold. This project was envisaged to supply drinking water to the people of Krishnagiri and Dharmapur district. This project was earlier worked out on a sort of 'barter' arrangement. Way back in 1998, Tamil Nadu Govt gave a clearance to the 'Bangalore Drinking water scheme' to use the Cauvery water, for which in return, Karnataka Govt, gave a clearance to this 'Hogenekal Project'. The fluoride level in water, in the districts of Krishnagiri and Dharmapuri is at 9.0 mg/L (against the WHO norm of 1.5mg/L). The Hogenekal project would have benefitted both these districts - or around 2.2 million people (most of them, according to one estimate, are Kannada and Telugu speaking people).
Though we have the previous clearance... why the storm now??? "ELECTION" - is the magic word !! While there is certain amount of truth in Jayalalitha's accusation that Karunanidhi has given up to Karnataka - we need to realise that, at this stage where elections are round the corner in Karnataka, going ahead with this project would only have made every political party in Karnataka fight tooth and nail against the project. Afterall the politicians care for nothing but for votes. Worst of all are the statements from one of our former (unfortunate) PM - Shri Dewa Gowda !!!
God, save this Nation from Politicians !!
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