So, after the Government has spent 14,000 crore rupees, the villagers living around the Kudankulam Nuclear Plant have woken up !! They do NOT want it to be operational out of fear for Nuclear disasters, especially after what happened in Japan. Well, if Nuclear plants are a threat, then, let us close Kalpakkam too ! After all, isn't it a danger to the thickly populated Chennai ? Aren't the lives of Chennai folks important ? (Hey, remember, I live in Chennai :) ) !!
This is rather unfortunate. People living in the villages are clearly being instigated by some religious organizations and unwanted elements. Government should not bend backwards for the sake of Vote bank politics. Of late, we are seeing a lot of arm twisting tactics that is being followed all over India thwarting Industrial and other progressive establishments. This is certainly NOT good for the future of India. This practice needs to be nipped in the bud. But, that will NOT happen - because, this is INDIA !!
1 comment:
It is not a sudden development. The opposition to the plant is there since its inception. Yes, the fear is increased after Fukushima. It is the government's responsibility to allay the fears.
Scientists like, Mr.MR Srinivasan, have clarified that Koodankulam has better technology that Fukushima. The technology that was used at Fukushima is First Generation one. But, in Koodankulam, it is Third Generation technology. At the instance of Indian scientists, some more preventive measures have also been made.
The governments should not take the people granted. They should go and convince them. At the sametime, we must intensify our efforts towards alternative energy.
But, I do not agree with your generalisation like, //... BUt, that will NOT happen - because, this is INDIA!! ...//. I think in India only, an outgoing Chief Minister came out of his official residence and went straight to the party office since he had no own place to stay.
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