On the occasion of his mentor and former Tamil Nadu Chief Minister (Late) Anna Durai's Birthday, Karunanidhi - the present TN CM, has ordered release of more than 1400 life convicts from prison (Those who know about Indian judicial system would vouch that life sentences are not handed over that easily in India and it involves years and years of trial process !). Worst, the High Court did not stop this, despite an appeal filed to stop the release of prisoners. The High Court in its ruling, stated that the prisoners can be released after obtaining a bond from them - the bond that is going to hold no value and at best can be used as toilet papers !! The release of prisoners comes at a time when the State's crime graph is on the rise !! I do not know what the real achievements of both Anna-Durai and Karunanidhi are, but can, without any doubt, say that Karunanidhi, in this tenure as CM of TN, has taken oath of destructing Tamil Nadu in every domain and sphere !! Tamil Nadu will soon be the next Bihar of India !
PS : The names of those to be released, it is said, also includes those who were convicted in Tha.Kirutenan's murder case. Karunanidhi's son, Azagiri's hand was suspected in the murder case and it is said that all of Azhagiri's hench-men were involved in the murder of Kirutenan due to inner party feud/politics. This is just what I read somewhere and I cannot authenticate on this claim. But, Indian politics is capable of such things.
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