When there were bomb blasts all over Gujarat, the congress Govt at the centre said that it had given advance warning and intelligence reports to the State Govt on the impending attack and wahsed off its hands of any responsibility stating the policing is under the State Govt's domain. The idea of the congress Govt was to squarely blame the Gujarat Govt and put him in a fix - and they succeeded to a fair extent. Later, Modi, Gujarat CM, immediately after the interrogation of one of the top suspects (whom the Gujarat Police arrested in UP) had met Prime Minister, Mr Manmohan Singh and had informed of Delhi being one of the next targets. And that is what has happened exactly. Delhi, as a State is being looked after by the Delhi State Govt - and also, in the capacity of it being the Nation's capital is directly under Centre's Home Ministry - both under the Congress regime !! So what did they do with advance warnings ???
Well, arguments apart - it is very easy to place a bomb in any place in India. With huge population and proportionately poor police strength, it is next to impossible to screen each and every one in importat market places, railway stations and other crowded places. etc. However, an analysis of ALL the bomb blasts in India will reveal "muslim" hands in every one of it !! While I will NOT blame the entire muslim community - there is no denying the fact that muslim fundamentalism is the root cause for all the blasts in India. And the Congress Govt is hell bent upon pleasing the muslims and is NOT going to do anything about this "muslim" terrorism. This Govt's attitude of soft pedalling on SIMI, the terror organisation that is stated to be behind all the bombings in the recent past, speaks volumes about its capacity on controlling terror. Also, as is being widely discussed, we do not have stringent laws to handle terrorists - courtesy the scrapping of POTA by this very same Congress Govt. To add more fuel to fire, even those who are convicted are not executed beceause they happen to be muslims (Afzal Guru of the Parliament attack!!).
Another aspect of this situation is the faith of muslims over their religion. They place religion above nation - and due to this aspect, muslim terrorists exploit the religious feelings of fellow muslims for its all its operations. Accommodation and logistics to muslim terrorits are no big deal in any part of the nation - as all they have to do is to locate a muslim dominated area and a masjid. Rest is a cake wake. Integrity based on religious faith is only sowing seeds for diversion. Such acts takes the muslim community far away from the national stream. It is best that Muslim leaders realise this and start speaking to their people in a tone and meaning that is against terrorism. The muslim schools, "madar shahs", should be brought under Govt scrutiny as it is these schools that happens to be the fountainhead of hatredness and religious fanaticism. Muslim clerics should realise that it is regligious fanaticism that has forced terrorists to the extent of placing a bomb near children's play area, which however was fortunately diffused. This is time for introspection - both to the hapless and spineless Congress Govt and to the Muslim leaders.
Jai Hind.
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