Jan 27, 2011

** Republic Day Tamashaa **

You would think that on the Republic Day of your country, you can hoist your national flag anywhere in the country and rejoice. But, if it is India, that may not be true. The Chief Minister of J&K rushes to meet the Central Govt and says that people from other States should not be allowed to enter J&K to hoist flag on Republic Day. If you would have known about our PM and Home Minister, you would have, by now, guessed it right.... They agree to it. Everyone trying to enter J&K are stopped at the State border, all this with the active support of the Central Govt. The present Govt is doing everything, with all its might, what Pakistan wanted to do - encouraging and giving in to separatists. Pakistan, instead of aiding and supporting terrorists, can now actively support the Congress Govt to achieve what they all along wanted to !! Jai Hind !!