Apr 11, 2006

Lets ACT !!

How much care do we take before buying anything for our home? How many features do we compare among various available brands? Well that is quite understandable, as we are the one who spend quite an amount of hard earned money and we have to be careful in choosing the right product. Point taken. But when it comes to choosing individuals who are going to govern us.. what do we do? How do we act when the responsibility of choosing persons who are about to govern us for the next, say five years is entrusted in our hands? We simply shy away from our responsibility. Especially the educated lot are the one who fare worst in this department. They get one day paid holiday and do not want to waste their holiday by standing in the long queues in the voting booths. So, the educated do not want to vote !! Next the X-generation individuals; it is a fashion statement to say -" I dont like politics" or "I do not know politics" ... what is the end result? You have one more quota rule; now its official - 27% of seats are to be reserved for BCs in IITs. Keep staying away from politics and have merry !!!

So the educated and those who are being educated stay way from polling booths. That leaves us with the whole lot of uneducated people, goondas and other such gangs. It is only they who elect our representatives and we end up being ruled by people like Lalus, Mulayams, Paswans, Mayawatis, Thirumalvalavans, ... the list goes endless. They decide our fate and we dont even care a fickle about that.

Now is the time for us to ACT. Lets get out of our slumber. Lets stop being cowed down all the time. Let us start voting. Let us bring in people who talk about growth, economic values, transparency and other such healthy democratic aspects - not free rice, free TV etc. Let us put an end to all such thingsl.. but first let us go out and vote. Let us voice our choice.


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