Dec 19, 2008

** Voting **

In India, even if just 50% of the people vote in general elections, it is considered as a very high voting percentage !! Isnt that a pity?? We need to find a way out of this mess. That, in my view, can be achieved if we make voting 'online' and make it possible for the people to vote through SMS!! It is not something that is impossible. Estonia has made 'online' voting possible way back in 2001 and is introducing voting through cell phones for their forthcoming Presidential elections. If the Estonians can - Why not India? With very high cell-phone penetration in India, the possibility of online/SMS voting should be taken up - atleast for a technical feasbility study. If we can operate our bank accounts (which is more precious than voting!) online - then, why not 'voting'?? If our voting system goes online, I am sure, we will see a higher percentage of voting, lesser queues at polling booths, choice of NRIs to vote .... the list of advantages keeps growing !!! Isnt that wonderful??

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