Apr 15, 2008

** Iran - Pak - India Gas pipeline **

One thing that I like about the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is that they were careful when handling with issues relating to Pakistan. When it comes to the Congress (I) Party, they always want to show that they are more "secular" in their behaviour and they think that their actions against Pakistan would be seen as anti-muslim and hence would undermine their Indian Muslim vote bank. What else do you call the Petroleum Minister, Mr. Deorah's statement that India would go ahead and sign the Iran-Pakistan-India gas pipeline project in the next two or three months ?? The Congress Govt has not learnt its lessons from the past 60 years behaviour of Pakistan. Nor is the Congress Govt looking at the present. If so, it would have seen the anarchy that is prevailing in the border areas of Pakistan where the pro-Islamist groups have taken the reigns and wield better control. All the Congress government doing is handing over the advantage to Pakistan and thus to the Islamic terrorists and is also dropping its pants down allowing Pak to rape it and thus our nation, India.

1 comment:

shankar said...

Completely agree with you on all posts. Usually my blood boild and I lose a night's sleep. So I have stopped reading about Indian politics off late.

Keep it up.