Jul 18, 2008

** Democracy at its best **

Members of Parliament, who have been convicted by the courts and jailed for murders/looting/kidnapping/etc will now decide the fate of our Government. Tough bargaining (money deals / ministerial posts) have already started (or finished?) !! When persons like the cunning Dewa Gowda says that he is still undecided, its anyone's guess on what would make him decide to vote in Govt's favour. So is the case with every MP who decides to 'support the Nuclear deal' and 'vote in favour of the Govt' !! We, the citizens of this Nation, have matured and seen enough to belive and understand the 'principles' of our 'dirty politics' !! Manmohan Singh should better resign before the confidence vote than accepting to every demand of rogue MPs and Dewa Gowdas.

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