Apr 17, 2009

** Why not eVoting ?? **

A few months before, I made a post in this blog about a country (Estonia) implementing e-Voting for the elections in their country. At the time of elections, I wanted to talk about it once again - especially after watching the naxal attacks on polling booths in some parts, where elections were conducted yesterday.

If we can safely carry out financial transactions online (eBanking) - then, why not eVoting? Look at the possibilities - (a) No big Qs and hence a lot of people will vote from within the comforts of their home (b) no poll related violence at polling booths (c) lesser Logistics (d) no security threat to polling booths (e) people can vote from anywhere, especially those who are settled outside India and still hold polling rights (f) no Bihar style booth capturing - the trend that is catching up everywhere, including Tamil Nadu (g) more good natured people will contest - as canvassing too would switch to e-style - a far better option than what is being enacted now with the support of "goondas and rowdies" (h) cheaper. These are just a few of the benefits that comes immediately to my mind.

On the negative side - yes, we need a foolproof arrangement to enable eVoting. We need to work out a methodology and implement this. We do have a wonderful possibility that is full of benefits and yes, of course with a few loop holes. We need to work on plugging the loop holes. If banks can administer secrecy to millions of its customers - then why can't the Government try it out for its citizens ?? Instead of pondering over the negatives, eVoting option should be actively pursued. We need to have eVoting atleast by 2020 !!

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