Jun 4, 2009

** Speaker Meira Kumar !! **

Mrs Meira Kumar, daughter of Late Jaga Jeevan Ram, has been elected as the Parliament Speaker. Right from the beginning, I never liked this lady. Previously, she has been Minister twice or thrice. But for the "Dalit" Label, I dont know whether this lady has any other qualification. Earlier we have seen this label having been used to elect certain top most positions in our country. Now, this lady's election as Speaker is only a testimony to the nasty 'caste' politics in India. But - there is a blessing in disguise - she was nominated as a Minister of State earlier before few days. She has to resign that post and now has taken charge as Speaker. Well, atleast one of our Ministries has escaped her "governance"!! In fact, electing a talented person as Speaker is only wasting a talented individual, very few talents we have as such as MPs. Dr Manmohan Singh, in that way, has been wise not to waste one talented person as the Parliament Speaker. :)

1 comment:

ganesh said...

Yesterday it was Dalit President, Today it is Dalit Speaker, Tomorrow it may be Dalit Prime Minister....

The question remains when is the liberation for innocent Dalits...??