Dec 15, 2007

** Driving **

Dec 14, 2007

I cant miss having this info recorded in my blog.

13 Dec 2007 - something simple and special happened in my life. Not a great deal though, but still.....

I drove to my office in "our" car. For one who started his life with a stipend of Rs.950/- this is no mean achievement. It was indeed a special feeling and I enjoyed it. Materialistic???... So be it ;o) [ mind you, that stipend includes a hair cut allowance of Rs.10/- :o) ]

But honestly speaking, driving in Chennai is very tiring, especially if you are a learner. Its literally mad out there. Today, I left office with full of energy only to reach home damn tired. I literally sensed my tiredness. I am, at this point, a bit terrified and scared of driving as I am still a beginner and a learner; but still wont like to give it up. Reaching office or home in one full shape with your car and body intact is no mean achievement. But we dont have any escape route from the mad rush that is only getting worse day by day. "Karma"?

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